2019 Annual Celebration!
Date:2019-02-27 15:55:33Author:Hits:1333

We went for one goal in 2018 and reached newly high achievement, in 2019 we will continue to work together and create another record!

Women also do good!You see our Top Lady, completed her annual achievements in 2018, won her bonus RMB 50000 directly from Company. As long as you are willing to work hard, nothing can stop you!  Girls make it, and Boys, Come on!Cheer up!  Hope to see you guys get the bonus, too.

It is easily to see someone drink in glass, in bottle,  have you seen anyone drink like this before?

Raffling a fabulous prize!  See everybody so happy to win the prize! See everybody is input for games, Look NOW! The fierce competition is about to begin!

Wish everybody healthy & Wealthy in 2019! At the same time also wish: the company grows bigger and bigger, better and better!  

By the way, did you catch a little cute in the photo?